0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk
0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk

Introduction to Clamp On Ultrasonic Flow Meters

Clamp on ultrasonic flow meters are a type of flow meter used in various industrial applications, including effluent flow monitoring. Read our guide to understand their uses, working methodology, benefits and limitations.




At SIRIS we are driven by innovation and continuous improvement in our products and processes.  Flumes are no exception, with this component being an integral part of the SIRIS product portfolio and many flow monitoring system solutions. 



Flume Innovations

Our team has been listening hard to the ongoing needs of clients and modern-day flume requirements and we have consequently implemented two innovations to our range of flumes.

A New, Deeper Flume Option

During a routine post-installation verification check, one of our experienced project engineers quickly identified issues within this flow meter installation. It rapidly became apparent that the third-party contractor had not installed the meter correctly, meaning that incorrect measurements were pulling through to the data feed.

Our engineer was able to recognise that the Sensorprom (the part of the flow meter sensor that carries the unit calibration value) had not been installed correctly and had defaulted to factory settings. This included the incorrect bore size, the calibration (cal) factor and the excitation value.

During our initial response our engineer was able to adjust and reset the flow meter to the unique original Sensorprom characteristics. On adjustment the meter significantly changed its flow reading and this was checked against a secondary time of flight reference.



Boxed Flumes

We now offer our flumes in protective boxed packaging. This means that they are better protected against damage and the elements, as well as being kept secure during transit. 


The hardwearing purpose-built boxes protect the flumes against knocks and scratches and even have a built-in tarpaulin to allow safe storage on site in wet weather conditions.


Our SIRIS boxed flumes are available in a range of sizes and are in stock for immediate delivery.


We are encouraging our customers to return the boxes to SIRIS to be re-used and help reduce our environmental footprint. Instructions explaining how to arrange the return of the box are included in all shipments.

Lee, Project Engineer

We are always seeking to innovate and respond to our client needs.  These two new additions to our flumes range allow us to further improve our service offering to the market.  We are proud of our team here – there is a natural curiosity to investigate possible solutions and find new answers to existing challenges.  This is what helps us to stay at the forefront of our industry.”

Require flumes or full flow monitoring system?

Our team has the solution for you. Talk to us today.




An end user client was experiencing issues with data accuracy after the installation of a flow meter by a third-party contractor. Our team was able to swiftly identify and adjust set-up to ensure the data they received was correct.

The Client Needs

It was identified that an end user dairy producer was experiencing issues with accuracy of data outputs from their newly-installed electromagnetic flow meter.  It was important that the cause was identified and rectified so that their data was correct, particularly as this was used for charging purposes. 

Our Response

During a routine post-installation verification check, one of our experienced project engineers quickly identified issues within this flow meter installation. It rapidly became apparent that the third-party contractor had not installed the meter correctly, meaning that incorrect measurements were pulling through to the data feed.

Our engineer was able to recognise that the Sensorprom (the part of the flow meter sensor that carries the unit calibration value) had not been installed correctly and had defaulted to factory settings. This included the incorrect bore size, the calibration (cal) factor and the excitation value.

During our initial response our engineer was able to adjust and reset the flow meter to the unique original Sensorprom characteristics. On adjustment the meter significantly changed its flow reading and this was checked against a secondary time of flight reference.



The Outcome

The end user now has confidence that their flow data being recorded and subsequently billed against is correct.

Lee, Project Engineer

“It is critical that any flow meter installation is carried out in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations and industry best practice, and that an independent verification process takes place. Flow monitoring systems are complex and in the case of electromagnetic flow meters there are often issues that would only be obvious to an experienced user. We would advise any end users using contractors to carry out appropriate due diligence on the experience and knowledge of a potential flow monitoring system installer. We are always here to provide advice and support.”

Require flow meter calibration?

Our team has the solution for you. Talk to us today.





Our client, a chemical ingredients manufacturer, recently required a trade effluent flow & monitoring system in order to comply fully with regulatory discharge requirements.

Specification & Installation

To specify the correct system our team confirmed detailed information unique to the site. This included land layout and location, flow volumes and discharge limits, the nature of discharge and upstream hydraulic levels. This information is critical and helps ensure the “correct” system is specified in the first instance.

Our from-scratch solution included:


• Full flow monitoring system comprising: small weir tank with 28º4′ V-Notch thin plate weir and ultrasonic open channel flow meter

• Partech 7300w2 ph and temperature monitor

• Point orange cloud-based data logger

• SIRIS 4-bottle vacuum sampler


Production is now complete and the entire system is ready to ship to the customer. Once installed on site by the client, SIRIS engineers can attend to check the calibration and ensure everything is operating correctly. This would include site calibration of all the instrumentation.

Require a flow monitoring system?

Talk to the team today about your requirements.

Case Study: Finding the right flow monitoring solution for a National Park holiday resort


Flow Monitoring Solution for a National Park holiday resort

Our partner commercial drainage specialist Metro Mechanical asked for our help to find a suitable flow monitoring set-up that preserved the natural beauty of a unique National Park setting and provided the end customer with the flow data they needed.

The Challenge

The end customer was a holiday resort in a scenic location within the Lake District National Park. They process high volumes of waste and are charged by volume by the water company, however they didn’t have any way of measuring the amount they were using.


The project was further complicated by a lack of mains power to the remote site.

Alistair, SIRIS Projects

“The client needed a solution that not only provided accurate and reliable data provision, but was sympathetic to the aesthetics of the surrounding environment.”

The Solution

We designed and installed an electromagnetic battery-powered solution, which allowed the customer to monitor its flow data via the cloud without any power. Metro Mechanical built a chamber that allowed access to the flow meter, with a lid enabling it to blend into its scenic surroundings and avoid impacting the landscape.

The Result

We were able to provide a solution that not only ensured effective flow monitoring but also ensured the preservation of the natural beauty of the National Park setting. 

Data Logging Solution

Require Flow Monitoring?

Do you have a flow meter monitoring requirement?  Contact us to understand how you can quickly get a solution to your project.


Case Study: Flow Meter Hire


Flow Meter Hire

We helped this contractor ensure their project was designed and installed within the correct parameters for the rate of flow within the sewage treatment works.

The Challenge

A UK contractor delivering a project at a sewage treatment works needed to better understand the rate of flow into the works, in order to ensure installations were designed and fitted to the right size and specification. 


The situation did not require a permanent installation, but a reliable solution that would give accurate data on the rate of flow into the sewage treatment works.

Alistair, SIRIS Projects

“It was vital that this client was able to build an accurate picture of the flow rate so that they could specify the correct works and installation for the end customer.  We worked quickly to bring them a solution that was not only reliable, but also delivered the data in a way that was easily understood and decisions could be made.”

The Solution

Our team worked with the contractor to understand requirements before proposing and installing a solution that comprised of time-of-flight meters on three lines within the works.  Pre-work included checking return pump flows to ensure adequate conditions within the pipe for the installation of the meters.   Adverse weather conditions meant that the sensors had to be adequately protected from the elements.  The meters were then calibrated and left to collect data over a number of weeks in order to build a reliable data picture of the rate of flow. Each flow meter was connected to data loggers, which then sent measurements to the cloud.

The Result

Key to success of this project was the client’s ability to view the data visually.  All SIRIS flow meter hires include remote access from any device to the data, which is not only available in its raw format, but also in pre-set and standardised visual formats that are easily understood by most stakeholders.   

The contractor was able to accurately understand the rate of flow throughout the works and therefore specify and install the correct solution for the end client.

Flow Meter Hire?

Do you have a flow meter hire requirement?  Contact us to understand how you can quickly get a solution to your project.