Our client, a chemical ingredients manufacturer, recently required a trade effluent flow & monitoring system in order to comply fully with regulatory discharge requirements.

Specification & Installation
To specify the correct system our team confirmed detailed information unique to the site. This included land layout and location, flow volumes and discharge limits, the nature of discharge and upstream hydraulic levels. This information is critical and helps ensure the “correct” system is specified in the first instance.
Our from-scratch solution included:
• Full flow monitoring system comprising: small weir tank with 28º4′ V-Notch thin plate weir and ultrasonic open channel flow meter
• Partech 7300w2 ph and temperature monitor
• Point orange cloud-based data logger
• SIRIS 4-bottle vacuum sampler
Production is now complete and the entire system is ready to ship to the customer. Once installed on site by the client, SIRIS engineers can attend to check the calibration and ensure everything is operating correctly. This would include site calibration of all the instrumentation.