We hope you are well and that you and your loved ones are all keeping safe and well in these difficult and uncertain times.
We have consulted with the Environment Agency and the Government for the latest guidance on how we can best mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. We intend to adhere to these rules for as long as they are in place, not from the threat of fines, but from a deep seated belief in doing the right thing for the population.
Our team is working from home and can still be contacted via our individual email addresses. The following mailboxes will also be monitored:
- hello@siris.co.uk
- sales@siris.co.uk
- admin@siris.co.uk
- Emergency spares and servicing: service@siris.co.uk
Due to current restrictions we encourage you to contact us first for the latest advice regarding site visits, MCERTS inspections and installations.
We would like to reassure our key supply customers, such as food manufacturers, that any essential service work we carry out for you falls under “key worker” status as defined by the Government.
Please contact our new dedicated email address service@siris.co.uk if you require any sampler spares or emergency assistance.
Please be assured that we are fully committed to giving our customers and partners the best available service in the conditions we all find ourselves facing.
We would like to wish all our customers and suppliers well during this difficult time and look forward to resuming our full scope of work as soon as we safely can.