0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk
0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk

Wastewater sampling can be a costly
and time-consuming requirement for many businesses.

Those organisations producing potentially harmful wastewater emissions, such as sewage and trade effluent, are legally required to monitor their liquid flow using wastewater sampling, in accordance with the Environment Agency’s Monitoring Certification Scheme (MCERTS).

Trade effluent can vary considerably in terms of its volume, strength and the substances it contains. Depending on the specific discharge consent issued to the business, the Environment Agency will want to understand levels of substances such as organic loads, suspended solids and ammonia that are contained within the effluent discharge, as these can pose harm to people, animals and the environment when not treated.

Wastewater sampling is a method used to give an accurate picture of the make-up of effluent discharge. Within a consent to discharge, local water authorities will stipulate their own wastewater sampling frequencies, the results of which will be used to monitor the quality of trade effluent being discharged and set charges to the business accordingly. Typically, the consent will include limits on daily volumes, concentration of solid particles, any harmful substances, pH levels and temperatures.

Investing in an approved, on-site wastewater sampling system gives more comprehensive and ongoing accurate data that can be used to monitor the quality of the wastewater discharge on a continual basis using composite samples and provide data to the EA and local water authorities that can reduce charge liabilities and business costs.

At SIRIS we offer a range of proven wastewater samplers that suit both open channel and closed pipe applications, providing robust and long-lasting sampling solutions for a range of industrial and commercial businesses.

The SIRIS Efconomy wastewater sampler gives you confidence that you are complying with Environment Agency requirements, as well as BS/ISO 5667.

The SIRIS guillotine inline sampler is specifically designed to provide reliable effluent sampling to businesses using an enclosed pipe system and is guaranteed to meet regulatory requirements.

Water quality monitoring and sampling equipment should include a wide choice of sample-storage bottle configurations tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Find out more about Wastewater
Sampling Solutions by downloading our brochure.