0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk
0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk

Without data then there is no compliance

SIRIS-designed and installed discharge flow monitoring systems are guaranteed to meet all relevant regulatory discharge requirements, including MCERTS. Investing in a data monitoring component can be an extremely helpful tool for your business.

Why invest in data monitoring?

Data monitoring allows you to gather crucial flow meter data and ensure you are satisfying regulatory compliance for your water authority, as well as environment agencies in both England and Scotland.


Having the ability to track your site’s effluent discharge provides peace of mind and confidence that you are staying within your limits – as well as allowing you to see if you are paying too much.

SIRIS Cloud-based data monitoring solutions

Our cloud-based system offers a robust and reliable ‘plug-in and play’ option for wastewater flow monitoring using a specialist remote telemetry unit (RTU) and data visualisation suite, Palette.

Our bespoke Palette system allows you to monitor your effluent discharge from anywhere, at any time. Our cloud-based software gives you 24/7 access to your data, giving you the ability to get the information you need, whenever you need it.


Data from Point Orange is provided in Palette, our specialist data visualisation software. The easy-to-use software is cloud-based, allowing you to login in from any location at any time.


Palette can be used with a single outstation at just one location, or with multiple units at one or more sites.


Should any readings fall outside the range of pre-set parameters, alarm situations are triggered automatically to alert system operators of immanent problems. Long term trends can also be analysed to identify the risk of potential failures.


Palette also offers a customisable reporting structure and we can discuss including features to meet specific needs if required.

Point Orange

Designed to withstand the harshest of conditions, Point Orange provides real-time remote monitoring.

A lithium battery designed to last 5+ years before replacement means it can operate without an external power source – ideal for remotely situated sites.


Quality is assessed using various sensors including biosensors, optical sensors and sensor arrays. Sensor outputs are connected to a remote telemetry unit and transmitted to a base station. All data is stored for future analysis and events in which parameters drift away from permitted levels trigger alarms calling for action.

A: Integrated bracket for simple installation
B: Single connection point for external sensors, power and configuration
C: Optional external antenna
D: Secure locking pin

Talk to us today about our Data Monitoring Services