0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk
0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk


We’d like to introduce you to the experts who make up our team here at SIRIS. This month we’re talking to Trainee Servicing & Installation Engineer, Jordan Marley.


What is your background and how did you start working at SIRIS?

I left school with better grades than I was expecting and as a result was able to do an electrical engineering course at Sunderland College. Towards the end of the year I had already gained two of the three available qualifications and to get the third I needed to do a week of work experience with an engineering company. Most companies looked the same but one that stood out was SIRIS so I asked my tutor to contact them and see if they’d be willing to offer me a placement which they did! I spent my week learning the ins and outs of what SIRIS do and even got to go on my first ever site visit. The end of the week came, and I’d thoroughly enjoyed my time with the company, so you can imagine how pleased I was a few weeks later when I received a call from Nick offering me a job!


My first day was 17/07/17 and almost four years later, I’m still here, still learning and of course still enjoying my work.


What does a typical day look like at SIRIS for you?

No two days are ever the same. One day I could be in the workshop building, assembling and programming a flow system to be delivered to a site, and the next I could be on the road travelling to sites all over the country calibrating, servicing and verifying equipment that we have provided them with. I really like the variety and it keeps work enjoyable and interesting.


What do you enjoy most about your job?

I love to solve problems! There’s nothing better than visiting a site where a customer is having issues and finding a solution for them, it gives me a huge sense of pride when I’m able to help others out (and of course relief).


What’s a favourite project you’ve worked on recently?

I recently carried out an electromagnetic flow meter installation with fellow engineer Lee Smith for a water company. It was a really challenging job as we had to remove the old broken flow meter and then refit the one into an extremely deep and, as you can imagine, not very spacious, confined space. It was tough and it took us all day to do, so it was really satisfying to see when the flow reading showed up on the transmitter. A challenging, but great day’s work.


What do you get up to outside of SIRIS?

I’m an avid Sunderland supporter and have been a season card holder for more than 10 years now (someone’s got to do it!)


I’ve only been to one game in the last year and a half due to the pandemic so I’m really looking forward to next season when I can hopefully get back to the Stadium of Light. I’m currently missing the feeling of coming in on a Monday morning when Sunderland have won and Newcastle, who Karl supports, have lost. Other than this I love to travel and spend time with my family and friends.