0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk
0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk

EDM Assessment

An MCERTS inspection involves numerous steps to ensure a rigorous and accurate appraisal of the installation. During a recent site visit, our MCERTS inspectors carried out the following steps as part of their Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) inspection:

edm inspection

✅ Correct location of EDM (no more than 5 times upstream of the weir)
✅ Mounted correctly to a secure, robust bracket – shielded from the sun
✅ Sensor height within a range able to provide good accuracy and repeatability
✅ Good access to storm weir to carry out inspection and cleaning


One area for close monitoring that we picked up was that the sensor had been fitted with a submergence shield. Our little spider friends sometimes move in to these structures and their webs can create a barrier in front of the ultrasonic sensor. The site was advised to carry out regular checks and cleaning of the sensor to ensure this didn’t happen.


Speak to us about EDM solutions