0191 5131313 | hello@siris.co.uk
Careful calibration is essential to the operation of our systems, and our engineers use a number of specialist calibration tools to ensure they are working correctly and providing accurate results.
When using an open channel flow measurement system it is good practice, and in some instances a requirement, to undertake periodic flow checks. We can provide a simple and cost effective reference target solution which allows the flow meter to be checked without the need to remove the meter or isolate the flow. If a significant error is apparent then a further investigation or on-site calibration can be arranged.
Where possible, we recommend that flow meters remain in service and are verified or calibrated on-site where possible as this allows us to check the flow measurement system. However in some situations we can utilise our specialist in-house test rig to pre-calibrate and test the flow meter.
PROVALoop is our specially designed mobile rig to test closed pipe flow measurement systems. Ideal for large-scale sites, PROVALoop allows the flow meter to be verified against a calibrated reference meter to confirm both the accuracy of the meter and quantify any errors on-site.
If a significant error is highlighted then further investigative work can be carried out such as cleaning the internal bore of the flow meter. A low error confirms all is well with the flow meter and that fouling is minimal, ensuring compliance MCERTS requirements.
Over a number of years we have found that routine service and calibration of industrial effluent discharge flow meters leaves much to be desired even when undertaken by some recognised suppliers.
Flow meter calibration or verification forms part of our standard service agreements.
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